Hope In Troubled Times. Part 4: Peace Be Still.

God loves all people and beckons us to love one another.  He is also truly a God of peace and justice and will hold us accountable for what we do.  May we walk the path of peace and love in all we do for a better Ghana.

Below is the audio and you can listen to it through Youtube or Soundcloud. Feel free to share it. God bless you.



Hope In Troubled Times – Part 2: Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is an act of divine nature and only God can help us to do this when called upon to do so.   We have to respond in all humility and in obedience, for this is a call of the Lord Jesus Christ to all who believe Him.  We have to be perfect just as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5: 48). 

You are called upon to listen to this audio for the express reason of receiving God’s blessing in an act of obedience to forgive.  This is hope in times of trouble.

Below is the audio from soundcloud and youtube