Quest For Greatness

In our age of constantly seeking to be heard, becoming famous and becoming The Great, how should we approach this Christians? This audio talks on the issue of seeking to become great in the eyes of the world.

Kindly use the links below to listen to the audios. YouTube and SoundCloud.

Do You Truly Really Believe?

Do you believe what you profess as a Christian? This tract talks about this and more and questions our faith. Below is the PDF version and the audio Soundcloud, and the Youtube versions. Please PDF is only for viewing and sharing not for printing. Contact us should you need prints to share. God bless you

The Gift Of Life

Life is a gift from God and He has blessed us with various abilities and resources such as time, energy and skills for meaningful living. We are to hold fast to these and use them to bless others and glorify God while we live.

This message touches on these important and often neglected gifts. Visit SoundCloud and YouTube to listen to it. Feel free to share.



On Dreams

This audio message on dreams talks about the necessity to submit to God all our dreams for His direction. Furthermore we need His intervention rather than seek strict interpretation to these dreams. It is hoped that this presentation will be of great help to you.

Thank you.