There came a time when man could never be clean enough to stand in the presence of God the Almighty; a time when because of sin, man needed to have a bridge to get to God. Man needed a mediator and a once and for all sacrifice. Animal blood could not do it, nor could angels, or any created living thing.
God’s true and only son, Jesus Christ, stepped in to become fully human and lived to show the way to please God. He lived a simple life of love and sacrifice. He fulfilled all the Old Testament prophesies concerning Him. He taught the awesome attitudes in Matthew Chapter 5.
After all this, He offered Himself to be the once and for all sacrifice man needs to be right with God. On the third day He arose through the power of the Holy Spirit. He proved He is alive, and finally left the earth to heaven where He has been mediating for all who accept Him as Saviour and Lord.
In the material following we learn about the power of the resurrection for all who believe. You can download the PDF for sharing. If you need copies to share, you can request printed copies.
The audio versions are found below too from SoundCloud and Youtube.