An Audio Presentation In The Fante Language

The basis of the Christian faith is love. God is continuously reminding us to genuinely love Him and love each other so that He will bless us. We need to be committed in obedience to God and His word. The audio below reminds us of this. Please listen to it and be blessed. You can listen via SoundCloud or YouTube using the links below.

Thank you.

Life Approved

Each of us has a philosophy of life.  This is portrayed by how we live.  Many believe that life does not end here on earth but cannot be sure of life after we leave this planet.  People talk about enjoying life on earth by being the most popular, acquiring material wealth of all kinds and fame, and yet realize there is still no joy.  If God approves of our lives, we will have the joy and peace we are searching for on earth and continue to have it after leaving this earth.  This audio draws our attention to the life approved by God.  Please listen to it to the end and be blessed.

A word of caution however is that many doctrines and teachings bearing resemblance to the bible are rife today.  Beware the group you align yourself to.  Hold on to the true word of God only.

17th April, 2022

Please listen to this message from the links below and share.

The Authority of the Christian

This Tract portrays the work of Satan in deceiving humanity and in gaining the attention and the allegiance of God’s created beings.  It begins by reminding God’s children of the authority given them over the enemy and the need for them to put on the whole armour of God.

Please find the PDF below. You can download and share but not print. If you need prints, please contact us. God bless you.

The audio files are available on SoundCloud and YouTube also found below the document.

The Hope of the Christian

This audio is dedicated to the memory of the departed loved ones of the Christian Family, those who have joined the heavenly throng to encourage us here on earth to forge on in the faith.  It is further dedicated to the memory of the gentle and tireless apostle, T. B. Dankwa of Ghana and to our younger brother Jacob Willie Molenaar.

Let us keep up faith with God. Let us keep looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour to rapture us all to Himself.  God bless you and God keep you.  Amen

Listen to the audio on SoundCloud or YouTube from the links below:

A Plea to God for Ghana

A plea to God for Ghana

I went to bed early in the night as I normally do.  However, sleep would not come, two hours into the night, and I kept turning over and over again in my bed.  A thought came to me to read the scriptures and I felt led to selected passages of the Bible to read, and thereafter, I was moved to pray for the Nation Ghana.

Please identify yourself with this prayer and let us call upon God deep from our hearts in pain and in sorrow for God’s merciful intervention in the affairs of Ghana today. 

God bless you.

The audio is available on YouTube and SoundCloud from the links below.

Alert! The Time Is Short! JESUS IS COMING AGAIN!


After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Then they returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day’s walk from the city. Acts 1:9-12

NOTE: The message opens with an introduction in the vernacular. Please skip 9:00 minutes into the message if you don’t understand it. God bless you.

Below is the audio from Youtube and Soundcloud respectively.

Priorities of Life

Things don’t remain the same all the time and life is really uncertain.  History has taught us that life and living are not for the strong and healthy.  Mankind is striving for the best in all things such as fitness, knowledge, longevity, mental and spiritual enlightenment.  This pursuit has been backed with all energy and time as each of the cravings demand serious attention.  What is life really about and what do we prioritize?  What may be classified as eternal and worth investing our life efforts in?

In this audio, an attempt is made to address these issues.


Cry For Revival

Cover art

Revival is very pertinent in Ghana today. There is increasing stress, insecurity and Godlessness in this society, and only God can save us from this state of affairs. In the following text and its accompanying audio there is a call to this end and we humbly encourage you to study it, play your part and pray for Ghana.

Below is the tract in PDF. you can download and share. If you will love to print it, contact us for print copies. The audio versions are found below from YouTube and SoundCloud

Called To Be Faithful

God is faithful and honours His word.  He loves us and calls us to have faith in Him and remain faithful to be with Him in eternity.  Faithfulness to God requires us to hold on firmly to what He teaches us in His word, the Holy Bible, without wavering.  The Bible is the only infallible word of God. Hold on to it. Jesus said in Mark 13: 31 – “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Please listen and share from the Soundcloud or YouTube links below. God bless you.

