Beware, Those Besetting Sins!

As Christians, we are admonished to set our desires on things above and to put away everything that weighs us down on this earth in our spiritual journey. To be able to run the Christian race victoriously, or progress steadily on this pilgrimage, we are to be careful to crucify any sin that can beset us. There are no little or big sins. This tract talks about being careful of all besetting sins.

Below is the PDF file. You can read it and share. For printed copies, kindly contact us via email or phone call. The audio SoundCloud version follows the pdf version. That can also be shared. God bless you.

Soundcloud audio version of tract

Reflections On Christmas

Christmas is a time of great refreshing to mankind. God in His mercy gave His only Son Jesus Christ to reconcile us to Himself through guidance in life, and a great sacrifice of His life on the cross.

This act of mercy is however not only to bless us in life and living today but also to strengthen us to press on towards perfection (Matthew 5:48). We shall then be ready to live with Him in eternity as the Bible teaches. In this tract, these issues are amply address for the benefit of all and sundry.

Below is the PDF you can read and share and after that is the audio soundcloud file you can listen to.

Called To Follow Jesus

Jesus calls everyone to follow Him just as He called the disciples. This tract speaks about this calling and how we can respond to it.

Clicking the arrow pointing right at the top right corner of the .pdf dialog box gives you the option to download it. You can share with others to bless them. If you need printed copies, kindly contact us. The recorded audio of this is found below the pdf as well.

Letter To The Revered Ministers Of The Gospel

This image is of sheep and shepherd staff.

In Ghana today there is a great hunger for spiritual food that satisfies.  In this audio there is a pertinent call on the revered Ministers of the Gospel to rise up to this challenge, and stabilize the society with the total word of God.

Thank you and God bless you for listening.

There is the Youtube link and soundcloud link attached.

The Soundcloud link is right below, and you can share easily by clicking ‘share’ at the top right corner.

The Youtube link is found below

Danger! Broken Bridges & Rail Lines!

Clicking the arrow pointing right at the top right corner of the .pdf dialog box gives you the option to download it. You can share with others to bless them. If you need printed copies, kindly contact us. The recorded audio of this is found below the pdf as well.

Audio recording:

Revival In Ghana-A Must!

Revival in Ghana image, with the map of Ghana on Holy fire from God.

There are times people get to the brink of destruction due to their own sins and their rejection of God. Revival is God’s way of bringing back to life people who are spiritually dead. Lives subsequently change and peace and love reign. Revivals across history have come with great blessings. We must desire such blessings from God for our nation Ghana. No human endeavor can redeem this nation but God. Like the people of Nineveh in the Bible (Jonah Chapter 3), let us arise, repent, seek the face of God and be saved!

Clicking the arrow pointing right at the top right corner of the .pdf dialog box gives you the option to download it. You can share with others to bless them. If you need printed copies, kindly contact us. The recorded audio of this is found below the pdf as well.

Called To A Mission

Like soldiers, each one may be called to be on a specific mission for God, and it should be our aim to strive to achieve the purpose for this call. The message in this tract is about knowing and responding to our call.

Below is the message in PDF format. Clicking the arrow pointing right at the top right corner of the pdf dialog box gives you the option to download it. Share with others and let us pray together. If you need printed copies, kindly call or email us. The audio version is also below the PDF. God bless you.

Audio version of the tract