The Hope of the Christian

This audio is dedicated to the memory of the departed loved ones of the Christian Family, those who have joined the heavenly throng to encourage us here on earth to forge on in the faith.  It is further dedicated to the memory of the gentle and tireless apostle, T. B. Dankwa of Ghana and to our younger brother Jacob Willie Molenaar.

Let us keep up faith with God. Let us keep looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour to rapture us all to Himself.  God bless you and God keep you.  Amen

Listen to the audio on SoundCloud or YouTube from the links below:

Cry For Revival

Cover art

Revival is very pertinent in Ghana today. There is increasing stress, insecurity and Godlessness in this society, and only God can save us from this state of affairs. In the following text and its accompanying audio there is a call to this end and we humbly encourage you to study it, play your part and pray for Ghana.

Below is the tract in PDF. you can download and share. If you will love to print it, contact us for print copies. The audio versions are found below from YouTube and SoundCloud