This tract is on the Beatitudes found in Matthew chapter 5. Please read and reflect on these attitudes a Christian must possess and a blueprint for life and living given by our Lord Jesus Christ.
This tract is on the Beatitudes found in Matthew chapter 5. Please read and reflect on these attitudes a Christian must possess and a blueprint for life and living given by our Lord Jesus Christ.
This audio is about the current challenges of Ghana today and the root cause. The audio on SoundCloud and YouTube from the links below.
Life is a gift from God and He has blessed us with various abilities and resources such as time, energy and skills for meaningful living. We are to hold fast to these and use them to bless others and glorify God while we live.
This message touches on these important and often neglected gifts. Visit SoundCloud and YouTube to listen to it. Feel free to share.
God is faithful and honours His word. He loves us and calls us to have faith in Him and remain faithful to be with Him in eternity. Faithfulness to God requires us to hold on firmly to what He teaches us in His word, the Holy Bible, without wavering. The Bible is the only infallible word of God. Hold on to it. Jesus said in Mark 13: 31 – “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Please listen and share from the Soundcloud or YouTube links below. God bless you.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, in His days on earth had great compassion for lost souls. He preached to them, relieved them of their sufferings and fed them in remote places. Those called by God to do His work need to show great compassion for people and draw them close to God. Likewise. All Christians need to show compassion for the many who may not know God and lead them to Him.
May God prompt you to do so as you listen to this audio. Listen on Youtube or Soundcloud from below.