What matters most in this life? This short post is about this question.
Below is the audio recording on SoundCloud and Youtube
What matters most in this life? This short post is about this question.
Below is the audio recording on SoundCloud and Youtube
The journey of life will surely come to an end one day. We are to endeavour to number our days, so as to be able to have a heart of wisdom and do what pleases God (Psalm 90:12). This is because there will be a call to account for one’s life eventually (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). This tract talks about life, accountability and eternity. Feel free to download and share.
Clicking the arrow at the top right corner will enable you to download the pdf. The audio file is also below, you can listen to that and share.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, while on this earth, gave up Himself wholeheartedly to be tortured and killed in a disgraceful manner on the cross. He allowed this out of love for us, His beloved creation, just to draw us back to God the Father.
In this tract, we remember His sacrifice and His resurrection. We have been saved to serve God’s purposes for our lives (Ephesians 2:8-10).
Below is the PDF and the audio recording of the tract. You can share these after reading or listening. For print copies, contact us for free supply of the printed tract.
In the world today the Covid-19 pandemic is posing a great challenge. The race for vaccines is becoming more intricate and almost bizarre with motives conflicting with true science (open link here). It is also said that new variants are now emerging (open link here).
In spite of all this, there is hope in the God who created mankind, and Christians are being called upon in this presentation to offer desperate prayer for God’s supernatural intervention. With Phil Driscoll we call upon the Lord Jesus: “Awake my Captain” (Bible Ref: Mark 4: 35 – 39).
The audio file can be listened to below:
As Christians, we are admonished to set our desires on things above and to put away everything that weighs us down on this earth in our spiritual journey. To be able to run the Christian race victoriously, or progress steadily on this pilgrimage, we are to be careful to crucify any sin that can beset us. There are no little or big sins. This tract talks about being careful of all besetting sins.
Below is the PDF file. You can read it and share. For printed copies, kindly contact us via email or phone call. The audio SoundCloud version follows the pdf version. That can also be shared. God bless you.
Soundcloud audio version of tract