This audio speaks about how secret sins when indulged in and not repented from will eventually destroy the Christian and his/her testimony. It teaches how we can simply deal and overcome it with the help of the Holy Spirit. Listen through the Youtube and SoundCloud links below.
God Speaks to all human beings, prompting us to be obedient to Him. He may allow us to do what we want in life but what He has spoken will surely come to pass.
Please listen to, and reflect on this audio. God may be speaking to you. God bless you. Available on Soundcloud and Youtube from the links below.
Revival is very pertinent in Ghana today. There is increasing stress, insecurity and Godlessness in this society, and only God can save us from this state of affairs. In the following text and its accompanying audio there is a call to this end and we humbly encourage you to study it, play your part and pray for Ghana.
Below is the tract in PDF. you can download and share. If you will love to print it, contact us for print copies. The audio versions are found below from YouTube and SoundCloud
God is faithful and honours His word. He loves us and calls us to have faith in Him and remain faithful to be with Him in eternity. Faithfulness to God requires us to hold on firmly to what He teaches us in His word, the Holy Bible, without wavering. The Bible is the only infallible word of God. Hold on to it. Jesus said in Mark 13: 31 – “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Please listen and share from the Soundcloud or YouTube links below. God bless you.
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number.” Genesis 1:27-28a
May God speak to us through this message. You can listen on YouTube or SoundCloud using the links below. God bless you.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, in His days on earth had great compassion for lost souls. He preached to them, relieved them of their sufferings and fed them in remote places. Those called by God to do His work need to show great compassion for people and draw them close to God. Likewise. All Christians need to show compassion for the many who may not know God and lead them to Him.
May God prompt you to do so as you listen to this audio. Listen on Youtube or Soundcloud from below.
There are times people get to the brink of destruction due to their own sins and their rejection of God. Revival is God’s way of bringing back to life people who are spiritually dead. Lives subsequently change and peace and love reign. Revivals across history have come with great blessings. We must desire such blessings from God for our nation Ghana. No human endeavor can redeem this nation but God. Like the people of Nineveh in the Bible (Jonah Chapter 3), let us arise, repent, seek the face of God and be saved!
Clicking the arrow pointing right at the top right corner of the .pdf dialog box gives you the option to download it. You can share with others to bless them. If you need printed copies, kindly contact us. The recorded audio of this is found below the pdf as well.