This audio speaks about how secret sins when indulged in and not repented from will eventually destroy the Christian and his/her testimony. It teaches how we can simply deal and overcome it with the help of the Holy Spirit. Listen through the Youtube and SoundCloud links below.
This tract is on the Beatitudes found in Matthew chapter 5. Please read and reflect on these attitudes a Christian must possess and a blueprint for life and living given by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Life is a gift from God and He has blessed us with various abilities and resources such as time, energy and skills for meaningful living. We are to hold fast to these and use them to bless others and glorify God while we live.
This message touches on these important and often neglected gifts. Visit SoundCloud and YouTube to listen to it. Feel free to share.
This audio is dedicated to the memory of the departed loved ones of the Christian Family, those who have joined the heavenly throng to encourage us here on earth to forge on in the faith. It is further dedicated to the memory of the gentle and tireless apostle, T. B. Dankwa of Ghana and to our younger brother Jacob Willie Molenaar.
Let us keep up faith with God. Let us keep looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour to rapture us all to Himself. God bless you and God keep you. Amen
Listen to the audio on SoundCloud or YouTube from the links below:
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number.” Genesis 1:27-28a
May God speak to us through this message. You can listen on YouTube or SoundCloud using the links below. God bless you.
In the world today the Covid-19 pandemic is posing a great challenge. The race for vaccines is becoming more intricate and almost bizarre with motives conflicting with true science (open link here). It is also said that new variants are now emerging (open link here).
In spite of all this, there is hope in the God who created mankind, and Christians are being called upon in this presentation to offer desperate prayer for God’s supernatural intervention. With Phil Driscoll we call upon the Lord Jesus: “Awake my Captain” (Bible Ref: Mark 4: 35 – 39).